Wednesday 6 May 2015

Lost your phone? Google can find it for you

Hello and welcome friends the search engine again came with a brilliant feature which every mobile user needs, have you ever noticed that if you lose your phone how will you find it apart from tracking IMEI number or using some third party applications is there any other option?   Now google gave you this option which is a lot easier and every individual can understand. Just google it and type “Find My Phone”. Google will give you an appropriate location of your device.
To get your phone location all you need to do is open your browser, go to, type “find my phone”, the Android Device Manager will open, it will show you the location of your device and also some useful features which you really need to know. After the page would have been opened you can see your device and the location ongoogle map. Apart from showing the location it can also Ring the device in full volume for five minutes. If you are in another room or you may have misplaced your phone and you can’t seems to find it this feature can help you out, if your device’s GPS is turned off then don’t worry this feature does not require GPS.
If your Android Device Manager might not working, in order to make it work you have to do some settings like open your device apps menu from google settings, touch the security option then under the Android Device Manager move the switches next to “Remotely Locate this Device” and also allow access to “Allow remote lock and factory reset” to on or off. Second you need to turn on your location access. Make sure you already have google account.
Another privilege that you can also Lock and Erase all the functionality through the Android Device Manager. By using this functionality you can erase all your confidential data and lock your device remotely. The device can be unlocked only by its pre-set password.  Indeed, this feature can also help parents to find their young children’s exact location by simple Google Search.

Monday 23 February 2015



WADA: World Anti-Doping Agency
WAP: Wireless Application Protocol
WAPCOS: Water and Power Development Consultancy Services (India) Limited
WASME: World Assembly of Small and Medium Enterprises
WAY: World Assembly of Youth
WCAR: World Conference Against
WCD: World Commission of Dams
WCO: World Customs Organisation
WEF: World Economic Forum/World Environment Forum
WFP: World Food Programme
WFS: World Food Summit
WFTU: World Federation of Trade Unions
WHO: World Health Organisation
WILL: Wireless in Local Loop
WIFO: World Intellectual Property Organisation
WMA: Ways & Means Advances
WMD: Weapons of Mass Destruction
WMO: World Meteorological Organisation
WOMFC: World Mining Environment Congress
WSIS: World Summit on Information Society
WTO: World Tourism Organisation; and Trade Organisation
WWF: World Wildlife Fund.

Tuesday 26 August 2014


Friday 7 February 2014


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